LICSPA’s New Look
The 2021 LICSPA Marketing & Communications team is proud to present the LICSPA 2.0 brand! Driven by our values of leadership, inclusion, community, student success, professional development, and achievement - this sleek, modern, and elevated design respects the great history and tradition of LICSPA while raising our organization to new heights.
Want to learn more about the LICSPA 2.0 Brand? Read this quick note from our 2021 Vice President of Marketing & Communications, Joseph Vernace.
Brand & Visual Standards Guide
Use this helpful guide to ensure that all of LICSPA’s visual standards are upheld. Questions about using the brand? Contact our Marketing & Communications Team at
Digital Assets
Primary Lockup
Includes our name, a line break, and the island. The primary lockup can be used on all approved background options listed in the Brand & Visuals Standards Guidebook. In addition, there are several alternate color variations available.
Secondary Lockup
Same as the primary lockup, plus the tagline: Higher Education Professionals of Long Island and New York City. This logo is used in more formal occasions and only on off-white or white (print only) solid backgrounds. There are no alternate color variations for the secondary lockup.
Values Lockup
Using the primary lockup as its base, the values lockup includes a vertical stack of LICSPA’s values: leadership, inclusion, community, student success, professional development, and achievement. Follows the same visual standards as the primary lockup.
Symposium Lockup
The dated symposium is housed below a horizontal line break immediately underneath the primary lockup. Follows the same visual standards as the primary lockup.
Conference Lockup
Similar to the symposium lockup—this uses the primary lockup as its base and adds a horizontal line break immediately below the logo. The dated conference is always displayed. Follows the same visual standards as the primary lockup.
Committee Lockups
All committee lockups contain a horizontal line break that separates the primary lockup from the committee name. New committee lockups are generated as committees form.
Color Palette
Our expanded color palette allows designers more flexibility and creative freedom. LICSPA’s traditional blues return while dark grey and off-white make their debut. Plus—with the addition of color overlays for photographs and variant transparencies, the possibilities are endless!
Pantone: 534C
Hex/HTML: #1b365d
RGB: 27,54,93
CMYK: 100,71,0,51
Pantone: 4158C
Hex/HTML: #387f97
RGB: 56,127,151
CMYK: 75,27,18,14
Pantone: 663C
Hex/HTML: #e5e1e6
RGB: 229,225,230
CMYK: 5,6,0,0
Dark Grey
Pantone: 446C
Hex/HTML: #3f4443
RGB: 63,68,67
CMYK: 71,53,55,53
Hex/HTML: #000000
RGB: 0,0,0
CMYK: 100,100,100,100
Hex/HTML: #ffffff
RGB: 255,255,255
CMYK: 0,0,0,0
LICSPA’s primary font is the Montserrat Font Family. Montserrat offers wide, round forms that are quickly recognizable and provide a sleek modern look. Printed text should always be black.
If the Montserrat Font Family is unavailable or unable to be installed, the alternate font is Verdana.